So, for you who are hijabers, want to look
special with your hijab on your graduation day, let’s use some accessories on
you hijab.
At the previous articles “Hijab Style for Graduation” was already mentioned
accessories you can use for your graduation hijab, that is brooch, pin or korsage. Now, we will review them.
choose square, pashmina or scarf hijab made of satin or glitter. Those materials
will give glamour impression. It’s better for you if you use two different
colors of hijab.
you can use headband to give another creation on your hijab. Or, you can use
your hijab itself to make creation on your hijab, but still, it’s simple to use
headband, I think. ^^
using headband, you can use brooch or corsage on your hijab, or you can mix
both of them, between headband and brooch or corsage.
following our updated information ladies J
Pesannya gmn mb? :)